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Profit Tv

Profit Tv Online

Decizii la Vârf
Profit – un câștig material sau spiritual pentru cineva sau ceva. Strict economic, înseamnă venitul care le revine proprietarilor capitalului investit într-o companie.
13:30 Acum Profit News
14:00 Urmează Decizii la Varf
14:30 Profit Live
15:00 Teleshopping
15:30 Inside Profit
16:30 Profit News
17:00 Romania te priveste
18:00 Feel the Markets
18:30 Inside Profit
19:30 Profit News
20:00 Back in Business
21:00 Profil de Companie
21:30 Profit News
22:00 Antreprenor de Romania
23:00 Feel the Markets
23:30 Profit News
00:00 Back in Business
01:00 Antreprenor de Romania
02:00 Dialoguri de Valoare
02:30 Inside Profit
03:30 Profit Live
04:00 Decizii la Varf
05:00 Back in Business
06:00 Inside Profit
07:00 Profit News - Retrospectiva
07:30 Profit Live
08:00 Back in Business
09:00 Dialoguri de Valoare
09:30 Inside Profit
10:30 Profit Live
11:00 Antreprenor de Romania
12:00 Profil de Companie
12:30 Profit Live
13:00 Feel the Markets
13:30 Profit News - Retrospectiva
14:00 Decizii la Varf
15:00 Teleshopping
16:00 Looking for Coaching
16:30 Profit News - Retrospectiva
17:00 Profit Live
17:30 Romania te priveste
19:00 Antreprenor de Romania
19:30 Profit News - Retrospectiva
20:00 Back in Business
21:00 Profil de Companie
21:30 Profit News - Retrospectiva
22:00 Antreprenor de Romania
23:00 Feel the Markets
23:30 Profit News - Retrospectiva